Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Across the Universe

Today marks the beginning of Lent, and Across the Universe people are sacrificing for this season of New Beginning.  Some might think you HAVE to give something up, but no that's not true.  The purpose of denying something from yourself has a much greater meaning.  For Lent, you must do something that will make you a better stronger person.  I'm not quoting anybody, that's just what I take from it all.  If giving something up such as caffeine or sugar makes you a better person, then go for it.  I used to promise to be nicer to my little brother, vow to be more patient, and try to exercise more often.  I honestly worked hard at all of those promises.  For 40 days that is...
After that, I was back to my same old mean nasty self.  muah hahaha

I don't want to set myself up for failure, nor do I want to be a hypocrite.  I can't give up Facebook, cokes, beer, chocolate, or shopping.  Some might think that a true Christian would give those things up and stick to it.  Good for you! Go for it! Good luck!  Like I said, I'm not setting myself up for failure.  I know what I'm capable of.  I don't give anything up, I try to better myself by soul searching, self reflecting, and seeking repentance.  I have a friend who gave up beer a few years ago.  God bless her, I don't know how she did it.  Lord knows she had temptation all around her with us alkies.  Sheez, I've had a hectic day and already I can't wait for Happy Hour.  I could oh say take up a gym membership and try shedding for the wedding.  I could vow to cook more often vs. eating out.  Hmm that's a good one I think!  But then I gotta think of all the technicalities.  Does eating out count all the chips and free salsa when I go to happy hour?  Can you bargain with God and write out a contract stating all the stipulations and details?  Not eating out is pretty broad.  What if I don't have time to make dinner because I worked all night and grabbing a dollar burger is soooo much easier?   Ok, so that one won't work.  I'm already seeking loop holes. 

In all honesty, I know what I am going to do to make myself a better person.  Like I said, I've done some self reflection and it all points to one direction: too many people take advantage of me in the workforce. There are too many people that feel they can over power and over shadow others and it's making me nuts.  There are some that are intimidating to me and there are some that I might intimidate.  So, I am going to make sure people hear me.  I don't like being taken advantage of, nobody does.  I'm not a 12 year old girl anymore, I'm 27 for crying out loud!  Yet, some people make me feel so small.  Don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE my job.  I thank God for it all the time.  When I say in the workforce, I mean all around me.  My job doesn't allow me to sit in the office in front of a computer all day.  In return, it forces me to get out there and get business taken care of.  I'm in the business of making changes and getting the public's attention.  We want to save lives, and I can't help women get a mammogram that might save their life if I'm afraid to talk about breasts.  I have got to let loose and be heard.  I come across community leaders, politicians, media, doctors, and affluent people regularly.  I need to be more consistent with my voice and believe in myself.  I may have a boisterous voice after a few drinkies, but day after day in the "office", I'm just a meek lil "girl." I'm sick of it!  You get no where by keeping your voice unheard.  I'm also going to listen more.  I might be the intimidator and not even realize it at times. 

I am Brandi hear me ROAR!

OK, I won't get ahead of myself.  I pray to God for the strength and courage. 

God Bless all during this Season of Lent.

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